Thursday, April 12, 2012

Laundry Soap

I'm not sure about you but it bothers me to buy laundry soap. It has gotten very expensive. I don't like the cheaper versions of laundry soap just because for me it does not seem to get my clothes clean. So needless to say I would end up buying the expensive brand. The one I would use did not always have coupons. I saw a recipe for laundry soap online. So I thought I would try it. Hey, I thought what did I have to loose?! It could not be any worse than some of the cheaper brands. I loved how it smelled right off. My clothes came out clean and smelled nice. Not a very strong perfume smell either...a nice clean smell. I was sold! Another good thing is that you do not use much. Only 1 to 2 Tablespoons per load. It takes some getting used to because it does not suds. That part is better for you washing machine. Plus if you have a HE washer than you can use it in it. I can not imagine using any other kind now. I have enclosed a picture of the some that I plan on selling. The large denim bag has a paper bag inside holding 3 cups of laundry soap. This is about 32 - 64 loads, depending how much you use. The denim bag can be used as a lunch bag. If someone doesn't want to commit to a large bag of laundry soap the small container is what they might like to try. It has a total of 2 Tablespoons in it. Just enough for 1 or 2 loads.

Please stay tuned for a way where you can buy this lovely stuff. This is for the ones that want to use it but do not have the time or even want to make it themselves.

**What is coming**
Lunch bags, messenger bags, grocery bag, lotions and more!

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